Helm360 is the #1 Cloud Hosting Provider for ProLaw. Here?s Why.
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Law firms are finally accepting that cloud computing is no longer a maybe, but a must. Selecting a cloud hosting provider is the critical first step in making the move feasible and manageable.
If you?re still coming up to speed with how cloud computing benefits your firm and what to look for in a cloud hosting provider, we suggest you start here.
If your firm uses ProLaw and you?re migrating to the cloud, we want to point you to our ProLaw Cloud Hosting services. Work with Helm360 to access and leverage our deep ProLaw application expertise, rest easy knowing that your data is protected by a Microsoft Azure backbone and security system, and enjoy affordable rates that make it possible for any firm to migrate to the cloud. Not to mention that only Helm360 can package your cloud hosting deal with our unique AI-enabled reporting solution for ProLaw, Termi, to help you rocket ROI to heights that are out of this world.
Yes, we?re tooting our own horn, but for a good reason: we want you and your firm to thrive. To do that, you need a robust ProLaw environment, and using the cloud in combination with Termi will support that goal. To optimize ProLaw, you need a top-of-the-line cloud host provider. That?s us.
The Helm360 ProLaw Cloud Hosting Difference
There are a lot of cloud hosting providers out there. What makes our offering so special?

First and most importantly, we?re a Thomson Reuters ProLaw Application Certified Partner. This demonstrates two things:
- Our extensive experience with and knowledge of the ProLaw application.
- Our deep understanding of the legal sector and its unique needs and challenges.
In other words, we get you and we get ProLaw. This partnership also reflects deep respect from our peers. They know we?re good.
Then we tap into our 20+ years of technical expertise to deliver four benefits that take our cloud hosting services to the next level:
- We only use tried and trusted hosting environments. We leverage Microsoft Azure and AWS to provide proximity-based hosting around the world, which means that no matter where you?re located, the servers hosting your data are close to you. We do this to ensure you receive optimal performance with minimal glitching and/or latency issues. Our hosting environments keep your firm humming.
- We use Microsoft Azure for enhanced security. Security is key. We leverage the security features that Microsoft and Amazon have invested billions to build in order to ensure that your firm?s information is protected. Not only does this safeguard your data, but it also gives you peace of mind.
- We offer 24/7 support. With offices around the world, our IT professionals are on hand to support you at all times. You always have the expertise you need, when you need it.
- We make onboarding easy. We take the time-consuming set-up process off your plate. Our team of experts puts your ProLaw system in the cloud and gets it running smoothly with minimal downtime. Meanwhile, you can focus on practicing law and delighting clients.
- We have amazing rates. Cloud computing is critical to any law firm?s future success. We want you to take advantage of it. To that end, we offer a fee schedule that makes it possible for firms of any size to step into the cloud.
With the help of Helm360, you can confidently run a high-functioning, cloud-based, reliable ProLaw system to support your firm?s current and future workflows and productivity.
Revolutionize your ProLaw platform with Termi
It?s our mission to help law firms use their technology as effectively as possible. To that end, we created Termi, an AI-enabled user experience and reporting solution that makes using ProLaw data easier, faster, and more in line with the daily workflows of all your user groups. Termi gives your attorneys on-demand access to their data.
Why is on-demand access important?
Because data is your firm?s lifeblood. Having it at your fingertips makes for better decision-making, streamlined workflows, more productivity, and, most importantly, happy clients.
With Termi’s chatbot functionality and intuitive dashboards, querying ProLaw becomes as easy as sending an email or text – from your laptop, tablet, or mobile device – whenever and wherever you are. The results?
- Quick, easy reporting you can manipulate in real-time. Drill down for granular details or go broad for big picture views of how your firm is performing. Save, share, duplicate, revise: Termi allows you to do it all from its intuitive dashboard environment.
- Enhanced insight into your data. Termi?s flexibility and responsiveness allow you to view your data in new, meaningful ways to facilitate decision-making and planning.
- Streamlined day-to-day workflow for your entire team. Termi is designed to improve workflow and productivity at every level. From attorneys to administrative staff to back-office teams, Termi gives everyone the ability to access the data they need, when they need it, how they need it. And happy, effective employees lead to delighted clients.
- A seamless transition to mobile, work-from-home standards. Termi allows you and your attorneys to safely interact with your data anywhere, anytime, from any device. You?re no longer tethered to conventional business hours or work areas.
Cloud computing is key to positioning your firm for future progress. Helm360?s ProLaw Cloud Hosting Services allow you to tap into ProLaw application experts, state-of-the-art Azure/AWS security protocols, and easy onboarding workflows at a budget-friendly price. Add Termi to your landscape and you create a powerful ProLaw platform positioned to weather any crisis and exceed your future goals.
Interested in moving your ProLaw application to the cloud? A free Termi demonstration? Both? Contact us! We?re happy to answer questions, hash out details, and show you how our ProLaw Cloud Hosting Services + Termi can transform your practice.